Animal Hospital of Chetk/North (Rice Lake)

941 24 1/2 Street
Chetek, WI 54728


Animal Hospital of Chetek & Animal Hospital North (Rice Lake)

Euthansia Services

Having to make the decision to end suffering is never easy. But sometimes the most loving thing we can do for our pets is to let them go. At the Animal Hospital of Chetek and Animal Hospital North we are here to assist you when the times comes to make these difficult decisions. We humanely euthanize pets using a pain medication and sedative combination similar to one given before a surgery. This is done to assure your pet is feeling no pain. The sedative is then followed by an anesthetic overdose, which further reduces pain sensation and then quickly stops the heart. 


For pets that are too sick to be brought to the hospital, euthanasia may be performed at your own home provided we have seen your pet in the past and are aware of their condition. 


Euthanasia is not something we take lightly, and we do reserve the right to refuse euthanasia. We will never euthanize an animal for convenience. If for whatever reason a person is no longer able to care for a pet we will ask it to be taken the Humane Society. Euthanasia is reserved for animals that are suffering due to untreatable illness, or persistent suffering. 


If you have any questions regarding euthanasia please call us at 715-859-6650 in Chetek or 715-736-6650 in Rice Lake