Animal Hospital of Chetk/North (Rice Lake)

941 24 1/2 Street
Chetek, WI 54728


Animal Hospital of Chetek & Animal Hospital North (Rice Lake)

Lab Services


The Animal Hospital of Chetek and Animal Hospital North have in house laboratories. Our labs allows us to provide you with most of your pets' test results usually within 15 to 20 minutes. Our labs are equipped to analyze stool samples, urine samples, and blood samples. We can obtain vital information about your pets' liver, kidney, thyroid, electrolytes, white blood cells, and red blood cells before you ever leave our hospital. We can also assess your pets' heartworm status, feline leukemia status, and their exposure to tick borne diseases within 15 minutes. 

Anima Hospital of Chetek in house laboratory Animal Hospital North Rice Lake Wisconsin Veterinary Laboratory Animal Hospital North Rice Lake Wisconsin & Animal Hospital of Chetek Abaxis blood Chemistry Analyzer Animal Hospital North Rice Lake Wisconsin Veterinary Laboratory

The speed of the in house lab allows our veterinarians to properly assess and treat your pet without guessing. This could save your pet's life, and will save you money. At the Animal Hospital of Chetek and Animal Hospital North you will not have to worry about our veterinarians starting treatment - possibly the wrong treatment - before having accurate test results. Furthermore, white blood cell counts change about every 6 hours, which means basing treatment on a white blood cell count obtained by sending a sample to an outside laboratory is essentially useless. 

The lab also allows our veterinarians to screen for potential liver and kidney problems just minutes prior to anesthesia. This means you do not have to bring your pet in for a blood test then wait a few days for results prior to scheduling their surgery.

On the rare occasion where our lab is not equipped to handle the tests your pet requires, we will overnight the sample to the Marshfield Laboratory and have results with 24 to 36 hours depending on the test needed. 


If you are worried about your pets' health and want answers as soon as possible, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Animal Hospital of Chetek 715-859-6650

Animal Hospital North (Rice Lake) 715-736-6650